Monday 31 August 2020

Viktoria Volkova - Teci mi kroz vene

Izdavač - PRESING

Dugo sam razmišljala kako da započnem i napišem ovaj osvrt. Pisala, brisala pa iznova pisala. Pročitana knjiga je stajala ispred mene danima. Na um su mi bili raznorazni citati ali početak ovoga sam našla u kratkom sadržaju, u samo jednoj rečenici.

"Čovek ne umire samo jednom - umire svaki put kada mu se prošlost vrati u život."

Mogu da dodam slobodno da čovek znajući da će iznova umreti priziva dušom te prošlosti. Želi da ona iznova prostruji kroz svaku poru tela i duše. Ma koliko da boli. Linkoln je živ primer toga. Nina takođe. Oslobadjajući ga sebe povređuje ga toliko da ga iznova boli svaki put kada se čak i mislima vrati u te dane, te trenutke.
Nina je u samom stratu izabrala, što je mene iznenadilo. Viktorija je odmah u startu stvorila trenutke koji će učiniti da svako od tih silnih likova proživi tugu, da sagore neki do koske, neki samo zato što su tu, zato što su prijatelji, neki zato što ih je sudbina navela baš na taj put.

"Neće vam svaka pogrešna odluka oduzeti život. Proćićete kroz mnogo toga što će vam oduzeti nešto mnogo gore - one najkrhkije deliće vas, ljubav, uspomene i dušu. Ne morate je prodati đavolu da bi došli do vrata pakla. Pakao na zemlji počinje onda kada vas najrođeniji izda."

Ovo je priča o ljubavi i sreći, ujedno priča o slamanju, boli i izdaji. Sa jedne strane pitanje koliko je ko spreman da žrtvuje kako bi spasio voljenog, sa druge strane koliko je ko spreman da gazi da bi srušio nečiju tvrđavu koju je izgradio da bi u njoj živeo. 
Ovo je priča o strahu, ne za sebe već za najmilije. Viktoria je rekla da "Strah promeni čoveka" i to je skroz tačno. Ovo je priča o tome kako je nekad dobro plašiti se pada. Dobro je promeniti se. Kako je potrebno ne posrnuti nego pasti, oguliti kolena da bi ustali još uspravniji i nastavili dalje. Možda istim putem, možda i drugačijim ali svakako daleko pametnijim. 
U romanu je toliko ljudi od kojih učiš da je "divljina opasna", da je nebitno da li vas metal pogodi pravo u grudi sve dok je voljena osoba dobro. Naučiš da nije strašno ako nekad onog koga voliš pustiš da ode kako bi bio srećan. U romanu je toliko ljudi koji ovu celinu čine tako realnom i svakako potpunom.
Kao lavovi u kavezima, svezani, odsečeni od sveta, slobode. Kontrolisani a u svakom trenutku spremni da se izotmu i povrate ono svoje. Svaki od ovih likova je takav. Pomalo sputavan od strane drugih, pomalo od samog sebe, pomalo od neočekivanog a pomalo od toga da ono lepo ne isklizne i ne prođe. Svaki od njih ima svoju bol, suzu, svoj osmeh ali svaki od njih proživljava i suze i osmehe onog drugog.

"Prave osobe osete jedna drugu. Kada sretneš onoga ko ti je suđen, jednostavno ... znaš ."
Zajedništvo, porodica, pripadanje, osećaj da nikad nisi sam je neprocenjiv i tako je i u romanu. Naravno da se dese trenuci kada misle da im se svet ruši jer ostaju sami ali prava istina je da nikad nisi sam, i da posle najteže noći dan mora svanuti.

"Milenijum. Vekovi. Decenije. Godine. Meseci. Nedelje. Dani. Sati. Minuti. Sekunde.
Kada se okreneš jednom za sobom, imaš iza sebe čitavu stazu satkanu od trenutaka i sitnica. Ljudi i uspomena. Dobitaka i gubitaka.
Pobeda i poraza. Odluka i žaljenja zbog istih.
Zbog učinjenog i prećutanog. Zbog slabosti, odustajanja, nemoći."

Lep je ovo roman, onako neprimetno i nežno te navede na put gde saznaješ suštinu svega onoga što čini jedan život. Skroz nežno uvuče nas u reči a reči u nas i postanemo svesni da i nas ima tu negde, kroz neku priču, neku ljubav, neko saznanje. Ja sam se uverila kroz ove redke u mnogo toga i sama sam postala svesna nekih stvari za koje sam mislila da baš i nisu takve. Jedno je sigurno: trenuci i sitnice koje čine i upotpunjuju svaki dan su najbitniji. Od njih svi mi sebi krojimo razne priče u koje ćemo da zakoračimo ili iskoračimo. Baš kao Linkoln i Eleonora, kao Laura i Niklaus, kao Rene i Robert ili Bastijan i Irja. 
Drago mi je da se u Linkolnovom životu pojavio neko uz koga može da veruje u zauvek. Neko ko će udariti kontru Nininim rečima i svemu onom sa čim ga je ostavila. U jednom je bila u pravu "zver je zver " ali u onom drugom da nema nikoga da te vrati sa ivice je pogrešno. I možda dobre vile ne postoje ali postoji vera i postoji ljubav i postoji u svima nama ono nešto što zasija baš onda kada zatreba. Što nam pokaže put na kom shvatimo da je vredno ako padnemo za voljenim, da je vredno ako damo poslednji dah da bi voljeni prodisao i živeo. 
I na kraju OBEĆANJE.
Obećanje koje je zaokružilo sve pročitano. Obećanje koje je dovoljno da onih 400 i kusur stranica ove priče obavije i jako stiskajući pretvori u pepeo. Sve ono ružno, sve ono što te tera da se oduzmeš od straha, sve ono što me je nateralo da mi oči zasuze, sve ono manje lepo. Kroz to obećanje otvorila su se nova vrata za svakog od njih. Obećanje koje je pokazalo da su maleni koraci zapravo najveći i najbitniji.
Odavde, do univerzuma i nazad. U svakom pogledu. I kroz život i kroz vene i kroz svaki otkucaj srca.
Priča koju vredi pročitati.

Saturday 29 August 2020

Most Popular Books Published In September 2020

Diamonds are Forever (Diamonds Are Forever Trilogy #3) by Charmaine Pauls - September 15th 2020

Lies & Lullabies (Hush Note #1) by Sarina Bowen - September 22nd 2020
Rifts and Refrains (Hush Note #2) by Devney Perry - September 29th 2020
Imagine With Me (With Me in Seattle #15) by Kristen Proby - September 29th 2020
Scandalous Prince (Mafia Royals #2) by Rachel Van Dyken - September 22nd 2020
Penthouse Prince by Kendall Ryan - September 1st 2020
The Wreckage of Us by Brittainy C. Cherry - September 8th 2020

Only One Kiss (Only One #1) by Natasha Madison - September 1st 2020
Indebted (King Crime Family, #1) by J.L. Beck, C. Hallman - September 10th 2020
Lilac by B.B. Reid - September 28th 2020
Falling into You (Falling Stars #3) by A.L. Jackson - September 21st 2020
Sicko by Amo Jones - September 1st 2020
Adoring Keaton (The Kennedy Boys #9) by Siobhan Davis - September 20th 2020

Kane (Arizona Vengeance #8) by Sawyer Bennett - September 15th 2020
Tempted by Love (The Steeles at Silver Island #1) by Melissa Foster - September 9th 2020
Rules for Dating Your Ex (The Baileys #9) by Piper Rayne - September 1st 2020
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Perfect Wreckage (Wrecked #2) by Catherine Cowles - September 22nd 2020
When You Come Back to Me (Lost Boys #2) by Emma Scott - September 27th 2020 

El Diablo II (The Devil #2) by M. Robinson - September 8th 2020
Out of Love by Jewel E. Ann - September 27th 2020
Filthy Dark (Five Points' Mob Collection #3) by Serena Akeroyd - September 15th 2020
Heartless by Jade West - September 22nd 2020
Wicked Forever (Wicked Bay #8) by L.A. Cotton - September 3rd 2020
Resonance of Stars (Greenstone Security #5) by Anne Malcom - September 14th 2020

Crazy to Love You (Wild Love, #3) by J. Saman - September 24th 2020
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Fragile Longing by Cora Reilly - September 23rd 2020
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Love Her Madly (Sex. Rock. Mafia #2) by Jessica Ruben - September 1st 2020
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My Fallen Saint (Fallen Saint #1) by J. Kenner - September 15th 2020
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Hollow (Heaven Hill Generations #4) by Laramie Briscoe - September 25th 2020
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Crowne Rules by C.D. Reiss - September 29th 2020 

The Lost Book of the White (The Eldest Curses #2) by Cassandra Clare, Wesley Chu - September 1st 2020
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To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini - September 15th 2020

The Ippos King (Wraith Kings #3) by Grace Draven - September 15th 2020
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A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire (Blood and Ash #2) by Jennifer L. Armentrout - September 1st 2020
The Forgotten Kingdom (The Lost Queen Trilogy #2) by Signe Pike - September 15th 2020

Friday 14 August 2020

COVER REVEAL: Diamonds are Forever by Charmaine Pauls

Title: Diamonds are Forever
A Diamond Magnate Novel
Series: Diamonds are Forever Trilogy #3
Author: Charmaine Pauls
Release Date: September 15, 2020
Genre: Dark Romance
Cover Design: Simply Defined Art
Photo: Wander Aguiar
Models: Dina Auneau & Rodiney Santiago

My love is wasted like gemstones in the dust, walked over by an oblivious shoe. It takes many suffering years and layers of mountains to squeeze carbon into a precious stone. Now that I’m polished and hard like a diamond, he doesn’t get to kick me back into the dirt.
Men like him don’t love women like me.
They don’t love.
But he made me.
He’ll live with me.
Because diamonds are forever.
(Diamonds are Forever concludes this trilogy. Diamonds in the Dust (Book 1) and Diamonds in the Rough (Book 2) must be read to follow the story.)


Dragging both hands over his head, he tilts his face to the ceiling and walks away from me. “Fuck.” He stays at the far end of the room for a moment before turning back to me. His hair is even wilder than before when he finally drops his arms to his sides. A war rages in his eyes. For a minute, he’s not my kidnapper, but the man who cares about me. He’s just a man making himself vulnerable by opening up and dropping his defenses. “I don’t want to scare you, Zoe. After your father—”
Sighing, he comes back and picks up the medicine box. “I’m going to tell you a story. A young man goes to a market and sees a beautiful woman admiring a precious object. He can see she wants it, but when she opens her purse, she doesn’t have enough money. This man, he was paid to abduct that woman. He has two choices. He can either grab her, tie her up, and drag her away, or he can go up to her and tell her how beautiful she is and buy her that precious object she wants so much. He can do that for her and be kind, inviting her to dinner. They can have a good time, have great sex. He can ask her to go away with him and knows she’ll say yes. Tell me, Zoe. Which man is kinder? Which man is the most selfless?”
“The honest one,” I whisper.
A shutter drops in front of his eyes. The man who was reaching out to me a second ago retracts back into his shell. I mourn the loss, the almost-intimacy, but I can’t lie to him. I can’t betray myself. I can’t strengthen his warped belief that lies can smooth over his crimes.




Charmaine Pauls was born in Bloemfontein, South Africa. She obtained a degree in Communication at the University of Potchestroom, and followed a diverse career path in journalism, public relations, advertising, communications, photography, graphic design, and brand marketing. Her writing has always been an integral part of her professions.

After relocating to Chile with her French husband, she fulfilled her passion to write creatively full-time. Charmaine has published over twenty novels since 2011, as well as several short stories and articles. Two of her shorts have been selected by the International Literary Society for an anthology from across the African continent.

When she is not writing, she likes to travel, read, and rescue cats. Charmaine currently lives in France with her husband and children. Their household is a linguistic mélange of Afrikaans, English, French and Spanish.


There is a giveaway for a $50 Amazon gift card

Monday 3 August 2020

COVER REVEAL: Jinx's fantasy by Pepper Winters

By Pepper Winters
Release Date:August 25

From New York Times Bestseller, Pepper Winters, comes a spin-off novella featuring Sully and Jinx from the USA Today Bestselling Series, Goddess Isles.

“There was a marriage born from slavery and secrets which morphed to happily ever after. However, there was also lust and longing, keeping a forbidden fire blazing.”

Sullivan Sinclair has a wife who shares his wildness and desires. To others, she is regal and perfect on his arm. To him, she is a goddess with dirty appetites that need to be fulfilled.

Eleanor Sinclair has a husband who allows her to be true to her darkest fantasies. Aboard the new luxury yacht he purchased, he suggests a game of seduction. Another play in Euphoria.

In sea, sky, or sand, they have the power to distort time, change appearances, and indulge in romance with no rules.

Eleanor granted Sully’s his ultimate fantasy.

Now, it’s Sully’s turn to grant hers.



Pepper currently has thirty-one books released in nine languages. She’s hit best-seller lists (USA Today, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal) thirty-seven times. She dabbles in multiple genres, ranging from Dark Romance to Coming of Age.

After chasing her dreams to become a full-time writer, Pepper has earned recognition with awards for best Dark Romance, best BDSM Series, and best Hero. She’s an #1 iBooks bestseller, along with #1 in Erotic Romance, Romantic Suspense, Contemporary, and Erotica Thriller. She’s also honoured to wear the IndieReader Badge for being a Top 10 Indie Bestseller.

After releasing two books with Grand Central, Hachette (Ruin & Rule and Sin & Suffer) Pepper is a Hybrid Author of both Traditional and Self-published work.
For all film and foreign rights please contact Erica Silverman at Trident Media.

Amazon Author Page: